tiistai 4. elokuuta 2015


Greetings from Poland!

Before i started my journey, Poland was the country i was the most concerned.  Now, after i have been here for one week i am wondering why? The unknown is often scary, and for me Poland used to be big country on the map, that i did not know much about. Am i still afraid of Poland? No, no no :) i am surprised, how open and helpfull people are. Not many people know English, but not only once, sisters have been called to help to transalate the discussions, and lunch boxes have been packed for me.

The first days i spend in two different national parks,Wigierski and Bierbrnzki, where i saw elks and deers. One of the best mornings so far was in the first national park, where in the morning i opened my tent and saw 2 deers grazing next to my tent. They just looked at me and kept eating, what a start for the day! In bierzwalski national park, i was woken up by woving of wolfs, got up from the tent to see them, but without success. In the morning i found tracks close to my camp, so they came to say hello during the night, when i was asleep. The parks reminded me a bit about Finnish forests, since they were covered with pain and having lakes here and there.

In the last post, I told that i had some problems with the bike in the park, but once again these situations brought me to meet kind, openminded and intelligent people, with whom i could have for sure stayed for longer. After i had done some roads in bad condition in Biebrzanski national park, my back wheel had gotten some damage on it. I was not able to continue driving with it, but now the problem is solved. I also learned another usufull tip: thighten the screws once in a while.. Well, better to realised it now than on the moment when the screws are dropping one by one.. :)

I also learned (second time) that brakes are important. I have had strong headwinds ever since i got to Poland. So once i arrived to Warzsav, i was screaming from joy that i had made my way all the way here. And yes, i was screaming and laughing all by my self on the street and yes people were watching.

Now i have been basically doing nothing. Sleeping, sleeping, walking little and sleeping more. Learned that the things that we take for granted home have became such a luxury for me on the trip. To have a coffee in the cafeteria and sit there the whole day, sit more in the parks, next to the river, in the old town and just look at people, talking to strangers and having fast internet to listen some good music. Ah, and i got my laundry done in the laundry machine!! They smell just so wonderfull :) so regular small tings have become luxury.

Warsav is a city with huge roads crossing the city from here and there. Yesterday when biking back home, i saw 200+ bicyclists having a demonstration for the better bicycle roads. I Joined them and learned that every last friday of each month they are having this demonstration. What a great way to get the people together and demonstrate for the important development. After second World War, Warzav has been totally destroyed and later rebuild as it once was.

Today my sister will join me for some weeks and we will head towards Krakov and the Tatra mountains. Feeling super exceited about our reunion and it feels good to get some company to share the beautifull moments with. I have never cycled up the mountains, so i am looking forward to that. But now, before anything else its time to rest and get the energy back :)

Here is the song that was in my head while fighting against the headwind on the last streched before Warzav: http://youtu.be/9iDWTP_GC2M

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